Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Spotlight On Who?

         Competition dancers have one thing in common: drive to win. They go forth and are fierce, taking the stage by command and totally werking it. We all want that first place trophy, the highest award, special recognition. It's a competition after all. Thing is not everyone can be up front and featured all the time. What do you think should determine placement in a dance? What should decide who is placed in the front or in the back? Being in the back is commonly associated with rejection and having unequal skill to dancers in the front, except at times it is found that placement is not based on  ability at all. Dancers can be placed based off of height, age, maturity in their dancing, looks, race, gender, hair color, body type, etc. Is it fair to have a dancer placed in the front or in a better number because she is tall and fits in with the other dancers while the shorter dancers are placed in the back or in a not as good number as they end up with younger and/or not as talented dancers just because of their height? I don't think things one can not control like height should determine placement in a routine (except if you're a Rockette). Sure I understand if there are only two Black-American dancers in a dance you don't want them next to each other the whole time but spread out. Yes I get that you don't want all the blondes on one side and the brunettes on the other. However, generally I believe dancers should be placed in certain numbers and in certain areas on the stage based off of ability, how well they do that dance. I also believe spots should be mixed up and most should get a chance to showcase what they are good at so they aren't always in one place. What do you think?

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